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Over 30 years of practice teaching English for foreign students.

You should study with us.

Ashdod English is the one and only source you need for developing your English skills. Whether it's reading, writing or conversational, Ashdod English can keep you surfing successfully on top of the global linguistic wave. Because Dr. Atlas has removed the need to use Russian or Hebrew in your education or profession, all students are able to express themselves fluently in English.

Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced levels are guided by personalized grammar, vocabulary and syntactical exercises. These permit you to learn English at your own pace, speed and confidence. Strengths and improvements are diagnosed and analyzed as they develop.

Because no two students make the same mistake, each lesson, homework and evaluation takes into account your particular requirements. All materials are at your disposal: books, computer exercises and Internet resources are utilized. Ashdod English takes your education seriously. Your English is our responsibility.

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